2. Październik 2018 12:36 od marc_marc_...@hotmail.com 

> Le 02. 10. 18 à 11:46, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
>  > Can you link this case if that is more complicated?
> it's a fictional example. ok not the better one.
> take again the example you cut in the initial message:
> a wind turbin site with a few turbines represented by a few nodes
> I hope your solution is not to make a way for each wind turbine
> to be able to add in into a multipolygon to describe the site.
> it would not make much sense to make a polygon encompassing all objects 
> between the wind turbines and describe that the whole thing is a wind site

 I agree that for wind turbines multipolygon may not be feasible. 

So far it is the only known to me case where site relation maybe is useful 

(I have no experience with features like wind turbine farms so it is hard 

for me to judge this case - that is why I skipped it).
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