On 26.10.2018 01:18, Bryan Housel wrote:
> Oh!  I don’t like `crossing=zebra` either.  Not sure whether you caught the 
> end of that issue #4788, but anyway I've decided I'm tired of hearing people 
> complain about `crossing=zebra` so going forward iD will support these 2 
> presets: 
> - `crossing=marked` which is labeled “Marked Crosswalk"  
> - `crossing=unmarked` which is labeled “Unmarked Crossing” 

There already is a perfectly fine value for marked crosswalks, which is
called "uncontrolled". Replacing this with the barely-used "marked" (100
times fewer uses than "uncontrolled") seems unhelpful. After all, the
issue that gave rise to the "zebra" value isn't to distinguish marked
from unmarked crossings. It's to distinguish two different types of
marked-but-uncontrolled crossings.

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