On Saturday 17 November 2018, Daniel Koc4� wrote:
> The problem is that I have asked you how to draw verifiable node,
> [...] 

No, you have not, you have asked:

> It would be much more useful if you tell now how to verify position
> of this node?

And i told you exactly that.

We all know you think bays and straits should best be mapped with 
polygons and that it is a positive thing to steer mappers to doing that 
(which by the way is against the goals of OSM-Carto even if your 
opinion on this has merit).  You can try to justify that all you want - 
this does not change anything about the argument i gave against it - 
that the polygon drawing almost never adds any verifiable information 
on the geographic reality compared to a node or a linear way 

I know i will not change your opinion on this - countless non-successful 
discussions with you on much clearer and simpler matters have shown me 
that.  I can just hope most mappers will emancipate themselves from 
this and not invest their time and energy in mapping and maintining 
polygon mazes over coastal waters.

Christoph Hormann

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