> Some radio telescopes are located on what could be called rail lines. ...
> though these lines have to carry more localised weight and have a much
> larger track width. For a photo see
> http://www.atnf.csiro.au/resources/imagebank/images/ATCA_in_a_line.jpg
> Ideas for suitable tags for these 'rail lines'?

'Rails' certainly, but not 'rail lines' in the conventional sense., in that
a rail line implies an origin and destination ( in the 'railroad' sense ),
in this case all are parts of a single device, albeit a very large one.

A movable support structure primarily constrained in the horizontal plane
is known as a *gantry* (system). The constrained path might be pavement,
rails, sprockets and the movement contact point might be wheels, slides,
skates, airbags, tracks, pivot, or some such. The path might be straight as
for cranes or circular in the case of irrigation systems, and other
geometries that might include switches. They range in size from tabletops
<http://go.aerotech.com/gantry?creative=313509089976> to almost a kilometer
in some mining and agriculture operations
Their purpose and action differ from railway / rail line (etc.)  - i.e.
primarily positioning
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantry#Devices_and_structures> vs.

Michael Patrick
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