I'm not sure how to proceed now. Should I create a proposal for this?
    Am Samstag, 1. Dezember 2018, 12:16:42 MEZ hat bkil <bkil.hu...@gmail.com> 
Folgendes geschrieben:  
 You have the choice to disagree with micromapping and ignore it. Many such 
decisions are made on a local level, for example when executing mapping parties.
We help define such keys in a consistent manner so *others* may map such micro 
features. We are not encouraging others to do micromapping either, but if they 
do, they will at least not sprinkle the database with random, inconsistent 
keys. Though certain imports provide such information as well, making mapping 
effort a non-issue.
Based on such precisely defined keys, you have all means to filter the database 
when you load them onto your devices or your services, so it should not cause 
harm to data consumers either.
Also note that one's trash is another's treasure. While neither you nor I would 
map railroad ties, some would consider localizing balise useful, and with a 
proper reader (or an import) it is just a matter of going along the track (or 
even riding the train).
If you are orienteering or simply lost, reference numbers on balise, power 
poles or other man made objects could come in handy for those without 
electronics and having only a printed OpenStreetMap.
A more realistic example is that to you, wifi or power supplies may not be 
important, but if one doesn't have mobile Internet subscription and a large 
powerback or if the given provider in the given village has appalling coverage, 
it can come useful to know which pub to favor when on a long trip (or during a 
mapping party). Same goes for marking pub sports - you may not be playing 
these, but not everyone attends pubs for the sole purpose of getting wasted.
I don't like to judge the needs of others, as I may not know all local 
circumstances, and anyway - who am I to judge? If something can in general be 
considered important for a large class of people, I usually map it regardless 
whether I need it or whether I endorse the practice.
Going back to the question of parking, it has occurred to me a lot that drivers 
asked where they can found the nearest meter. In many cases, they could have 
purchased their tickets via SMS, but they didn't know the code and couldn't 
find the meter to find such tiny piece of information. If even a single minute 
is wasted per driver for finding a meter and walking up to it just for reading 
the code, we're wasting a large amount of GDP for something where we could 
offer a better solution with ease. Again, this doesn't bother me much as I'm 
usually parking for free, but I map such things for solidarity.

Take care and be nice to others,k

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 9:46 PM Sergio Manzi <s...@smz.it> wrote:

+1 You're my hero!
To clarify: my contribution was about making right (according to my point of 
view, of course!) something that I thought had issues, but in a general way I'm 
totally with you and I'm finding a little bit crazy the level of details that 
someone want to use in the description of OSM features, some of which, I think, 
should have very little to do with OSM (I'm thinking of the  meticoulous 
description/mapping of infrastructures of less than general interest. As I said 
elswere: should we map railroad ties too?).

 On 2018-11-29 21:29, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
  On Fri, 30 Nov 2018 at 02:19, Sergio Manzi <s...@smz.it> wrote:
Right! Too many payments! :-) To spare some bytes it could be: 
payment:sms:ExampleApp:code=<code to send>.  What do you think?
 I would think that it shouldn't be up to OSM to list all the ways someone can 
pay for parking, down to which app to use or phone number to call / SMS. 
  OSM should say that "this" area is paid parking & leave it at that - once the 
driver parks their car, they walk over to the payment terminal & all the 
necessary info is listed there, & updated as needed by the car park operator - 
their problem, not our's! 
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