On Friday 07 December 2018, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> > We have however many other tags where OSM-Carto recently added or
> > changed rendering in ways that provide mapping incentives agaist
> > the established meaning of the tags.
> Can you link issues opened on issue tracker that
> report this serious problems?
> I looked at it and I failed to find any that would be opened
> recently.

I have not recently followed all of the changes and i mostly stoppend 
reporting problems i see because when i did so these comments were 
universally dismissed and had no influence.

The changes i refer to with my comment are in particular the 
inflationary addition of new POI symbols many of which have been chosen 
without considering the applicability to represent the feature type in 
question across different cultures and different geographic settings.  
Many of these represent just the European urban cliché version of it.

The other group of changes i had in mind is the abuse of way_area 
filtering as an universal cartographic importance rating, in particular 
for point label placement.  The resulting initiatives of label drawing 
through non-verifiable polygon painting can be observed right now.  And 
tourism=attraction was one of the first tags to follow this principle 
in OSM-Carto so it is kind of a forerunner in that regard.

I don't really see much of a chance of a change in direction here (in 
other words:  it will likely get worse before it maybe gets better) but 
i none the less consider it important to point out that this is 
something that is visible right now to people who approach this with an 
open mind and open eyes.

Christoph Hormann

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