> On Dec 8, 2018, at 2:31 AM, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I would recommend drawing a separate “way” for the highway. I imagine that 
> the route taken by vehicles or people walking is a few meters off of the 
> center of the waterway, and perhaps a little straighter. If you are coarsest 
> tracing the waterway and road, then the two ways might share most of their 
> nodes.

As soon as I got to your “I imagine that” I decided you’ve no experience in 
this and I should discount anything that follows.

In the desert southwest of the United States where I was raised they call the 
usually dry water courses a “wash”. And they are often used for vehicle travel 
when dry which is almost all of the time. In hilly or mountainous areas the 
width of the waterway is often no wider than most vehicles so there is no place 
“a few meters off the center of the waterway”. And my experience in 
walking/hiking along them is you are often in the middle of the most recent 
route of flood waters as the walking is easier there (less debris, etc.).

 I don’t like the OSM mapping options but what I’ve settled on is a single way 
tagged as:


Some of the washes have names. Some of the tracks have names. Sometimes they 
both have names and occasionally the two names differ. I haven’t a solution for 

It would be nice if there was a way to tag the intermittent flow as ephemeral 
but that has been “bike shedded” to death here before. I know/hope that anyone 
local will have a pretty good idea about whether or not there is likely to be 
water in the drainage (a summer cloudburst locally or in the adjacent higher 
ground) and be smart enough not to enter it for the couple of hours that a 
water event is likely to last.


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