Am 05.01.2019 um 08:24 schrieb Warin:
On 05/01/19 14:02, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Sat, 5 Jan 2019 at 07:23, Jmapb < <>> wrote:

    On 1/4/2019 4:10 PM, Kevin Kenny wrote:

    > Has anyone here tagged anything similar to the case I have in
    mind of,
    > "you must sign in/sign out/record your passage, and here's
    where you
    > do it?"

    Personally I'd be inclined to ignore the legal thou-shalt-sign-in
    aspects here and simply tag the register because it's a good
    Probably just "man_made=trail_register", keep it simple and

We have a similar'ish set-up where you sometimes have to pay to take your car into various National Parks :-(

Err no that is a different thing entirely.
A trail register is to indicate your intention to start a walk or when completed that you have finished a walk. You give personal details - who you are, the date, when you expect to finish, possibly even ICE details (In Case of Emergency).

What Graeme is talking about is an entrance fee.
Similar to a car park where you have to pay at some place. man_made=payment_point? And link it using a site relation?

I agree. While both require you to register the intention and consequences are very different. Friend of mine who were canoeing on the Yukon many years ago told me they were required to register with the local police or ranger stations (don't remember exactly). So the register could also be an office not merely a book in a box. As such I also suggest to separate it from the tourism=register. I have never heard of registers in Kevin's sense in Austria so I am pretty sure they are the "I was here" type. They are pretty common there, often having stamps inside for you later getting a certificate showing up with a fully stamped booklet at the tourism office.

I would make up something new. Graem's suggestion is as good as any.


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