On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 at 16:17, Mark Wagner <mark+...@carnildo.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 07:54:00 +1000
> Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Possibly something like caravan:type=caravan / motorhome / Winnebago /
> > camper trailer etc, but then you get to the problem of what is
> > difference between a camper van, motorhome & Winnebago?
> In the (US) industry, the terminology for self-propelled RVs is "Class
> A", "Class B", and "Class C":

Here in Australia, we don't (TTBMK) have those classes, & motorhome &
camper van are pretty interchangeable


Motorhome - A motor vehicle built on a truck or bus chassis and designed to
serve as self-contained living quarters for recreational travel. There is
normally a divide between the cab and the living quarters behind, which
contain sleeping space, ablution and kitchen facilities.

Campervan - a van equipped as a self-contained travelling home, they are
normally smaller than a motorhome. There is generally no divide between the
cab and the living quarters. It has basic facilities for cooking, washing,
and sleeping.

Winnebago - Although a brand name for an American manufacturer of
RV's,because the brand is so popular it has become interchangeable with RV
and therefore is often used to refer to any recreational vehicle.

> On the non-self-propelled side of things, the split is (roughly) "Fifth
> wheel", "travel trailer", and "popup".

 Caravan - a mobile home or trailer, fully equipped with household
accessories and towed behind a vehicle. It is designed to be occupied as a
house would and depending on its size contains sleeping quarters, ablution
facilities and cooking facilities.

Camper Trailer - This is a trailer equipped for occupancy that is towed
behind a wheeled vehicle. Much smaller than a caravan, it normally consists
of a tent that folds out of the trailer, where other essential living items
are also packed, and facilities such as sinks and cookers are kept. A lot
of its appeal lies in its compactness and light weight.

with further split down to fixed or pop-top caravans, hard- & soft-floor
camper trailers & so on. Yes, there are also 5th wheelers, but that only
refers to the way it's connected to the tow vehicle, not the "type" of van
ie it's just a normal caravan

> The self-propelled/non-self-propelled split is important enough to be
> worth tagging.

Yes, you (& Georg earlier) are probably right there.

motorised=yes / no?

propulsion=towed / motorised?

Possibly a separate page again for shop=motorhome? (I think that would be a
good coverall term?)

It's also, at least in the US, very common for a dealer
> to sell one or the other, but not both.

But if we use a separate page, won't you have the same problem that you'll
only be able to find one or the other?

As I mentioned earlier, if we had

caravan:type=caravan / motorhome / camper_trailer

would you be able to search for the type you want?


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