> On Jan 11, 2019, at 8:49 AM, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Ditches are also used to drain excess water. 
> In the USA we have irrigation ditches in dry areas and drainage ditches in 
> wet areas.

it is especially difficult where I am, because the irrigation ditiches cascade 
from on set of fields to the next, sometimes are concrete, sometimes dirt; 
sometimes “natural”, sometimes man-made; they all flow like batter in a waffle 

“drains” that take away excess water and runoff eventually lead to another set 
of fields, before being dumped back in the river (only to begin the cycle again 
500m later). 

the idea of ditches and drains seem to be an attempt to define “channel” with a 
preset type, construction material, and usage - when it is very vague in some 

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