Dear all!

The proposal for Railway tracks on highway was approved with 21 votes for, 1 
vote against and 1 abstention. Thank you again very much to everyone who voted, 
commented and/or participated in the discussion on the mailing list!

Although the proposal was accepted, there were some issues raised. The main 
issue was that the proposal page was, rightfully, seen as somewhat lacking in 
clarity and detail. It has become obvious that the eventual wiki page for the 
feature will have to be completely restructured from the proposal page to make 
all the features of the proposal clearer.

This will take me some time to complete. In the following days I will create 
the wiki page, following the highway-key page as a template (as proposed in the 
Proposal_process page). I'll add entries and examples of all the different key 
values in the proposal. I will also add an explicit entry and an example on 
lanes tagging, where only a subset of lanes have embedded tracks.

After the wiki page is complete, I will add links and a short description to 
the feature to the railway wiki page, and a very short (perhaps one-line) 
description and link to all the railway-tag key pages (railway=rail, 
railway=subway, etc).

See the proposal page (which includes the Follow-up proposal posted above at 

Thank you again!
Jukka (Tolstoi21)
Tagging mailing list

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