How to we proceed with this topic? Should a proposal be created or the wiki
pages can be updated straight away by someone or myself based on this


вс, 27 янв. 2019 г. в 17:22, Paul Allen <>:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2019 at 10:37, Eugene Podshivalov <>
> wrote:
>> When drain and ditch were originally introduced, was it supposed to
>> differentiate them in size?
>> If you read the current definitions closely you can notice the following:
> [...]
> My guess is that this is a practical matter rather than a definitional
> one.  If you need
> a large channel with a lot of water flow (even intermittently) then you're
> probably
> going to line it with concrete.  And if it's a narrow channel with lower
> water flow
> you're probably not going to bother with the concrete.  Particularly if
> it's for drainage
> where you want the groundwater to seep into the channel.
> Maybe reword the descrtiptions:  "Typically unlined, smaller" and
> "typically lined, larger."
> --
> Paul
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