On 08/02/19 01:02, Sergio Manzi wrote:

I don't really know where I was at that times, mostly because I don't know when that times where, honestly. Should I feel ashamed?

I wasn't criticizing the rationale for having a better wording for the status of that kind of "/debatable/" tags, but only the wording you proposed.

Hopefully you were off enjoying yourself, possibly with some real mapping on th e side.

On 2019-02-07 14:48, Paul Allen wrote:

Were you here when we discussed landuse=clearing that somebody found used (presumably
by a HOT mapper)?  Used only a handful of times.

That was I.
Presently in the data base ~ 1,400 times.

It had not been proposed and accepted, or
proposed and rejected.  It was not widely used.  It was something that somebody had made up on the spot from lack of knowledge about the correct way to deal with it.  The wiki should probably document and deprecate it, for the benefit of anyone who finds it on taginfo and
would otherwise assume it to be acceptable.

Humm document that it is not known what it is, that the original mappers fail to respond?
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