OSM is the underlying data, not any particular rendering thereof. The general 
public are therefore not our target audience; that is composed of data 
consumers, including renderers of course.

AIUI the above represents how we react to complaints about the "standard 
rendering" on the website. Why should that not be true here? 

On 20 February 2019 23:22:56 CET, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 22:12, Graeme Fitzpatrick
>> Is OSM supposed to be for a tight, dedicated group of expert mappers
>> trying to create the best, most accurate, technically-perfect map the
>> has ever seen; or is it for the use of John Doe & Jane Public using
>> & Maps Me on their mobile phones to find their way from Point A to
>Point B,
>> or round a strange town?
>I would argue that if we keep it amongst a tight, dedicated group with
>thought about
>producing something of benefit for ordinary consumers then it will stay
>that way and it will
>progress SLOWLY.  If we try to produce something that ordinary people
>use then a small
>fraction of them will see that the map is incomplete and join in. 
>are positive feedback
>effects that can come into play, if we don't actively suppress them.
>Just my opinion.  However, there is anecdotal evidence from one of the
>people on this list
>to support the idea that a useful map encourages more people to aid the
>> Thanks
>> Graeme
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