We have a use case in Hungary that you may consider to cover. Many
people pay their bills at the post office through money transfer
orders printed on small yellow printed paper slips (so called "Csekk"
or "Sárga csekk").

It is commonly offered by energy companies, municipal fees (waste
disposal, water, etc.), telco (Internet service providers, phone, TV)
and the government (for any kind of fee related to official inquiries,
taxes, registration, etc). The post office has deployed numerous
vending machines to automate the payment of these orders (they call it
"Posta Csekkpont").

TESCO offers a competing service with their own network of vending
machines, but it is only possible to pay a small subset of bills
there, because they aren't providing real money transfers, rather a
kind of B2B network to commit these transfer at a lower cost without
paying the Post office.

Could you please recommend a combination of tags that we should use
for these two networks?

Unfortunately, most of the links I have are in Hungarian, but do reach
out to me if you need more information:


On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 4:06 PM Daniele Santini <danysa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The first voting for the Top up  proposal was rejected. I have changed the 
> proposal removing the most disliked parts and started a new voting: 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Top_up
> Kind regards
> --
> Daniele Santini
> http://www.dsantini.it
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