Hi all,

Let me introduce you to one of London's better cycleways:


You might look at this and think "that doesn't look like 'better' to me, it's full of 45-degree bends". And based on OSM you would of course be right.

In reality it isn't full of 45-degree bends. It's a continuous straight route. But although it's mostly protected (i.e. concrete barrier separating it from the car lanes), the protection gives out at junctions and crossings, so turning traffic can cross. Here's an example (apologies for Google link):


Currently, it's mapped in OSM as a highway=cycleway for the segregated bits, and then it rejoins the highway=primary road (with cycleway=lane) where the barrier gives out.

This is correctish in terms of tagging but not in terms of geometry. The current mapping implies 45-degree turns which the cyclist doesn't have to take - they just continue straight on. Breaking geometry to enable tagging is bad in itself, misleading on renderings, and unsurprisingly confuses the heck out of routers.

How should we represent this?

My gut feeling is that it would be better to map it as a continuous highway=cycleway but with 'protected=no' for the bits where the concrete divider isn't there.

Another alternative might include deleting the cycleway completely and just using cycleway=track on the car road, but this seems suboptimal as you can't then easily apply tagging that applies distinctly to the cycleway (surface, route relation membership, etc.) without lots of namespacing.

Or we could just go with highway=cycleway and no additional tagging, on the basis that 'unprotected' is implied by the pedestrian-crossing tags and the junction geometry - i.e. obviously there's no protection there because we have a junction which cars can turn across.

Any preferences?


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