On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 21:48, Nita Rae Sanders <cosmic...@gmail.com> wrote:

Does this situation dictate a new high-level attribute value (e.g.
> amenity=free_standing_emergency_department) or is it better addressed
> via …
> amenity=clinic, healthcare=clinic,
> clinic=freestanding_emergency_department tag ?

We (well, some of us) are trying to move away from over-use of amenity,
which is why
healthcare=* was established.  See

I would say healthcare=clinic + healthcare:speciality=emergency  would
work, although some
may point out that the documentation implies clinics deal with outpatients
and it's debatable
if attendees at an A&E can be classed as such.  You could use
healthcare=yes +
healthcare:speciality=emergency if you dislike clinic for this usage.  Or
propose a different
value for healthcare for this usage.

Since healthcare=* is now rendered by standard carto, there's no reason to
include amenity=*.

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