Notice the extent to which personalisms are being launched. I'm not going
to participate in that, aside to clarify that the quote regarding use cases
of crossings and their relevance to pedestrian safety and people with
disabilities was in response to both a personal accusation ("obsessive")
and several claims about how mapping these things don't matter, despite the
use cases I had repeatedly gone over. I felt that directness was necessary,
because that is the implication of these facts: (1) low vision individuals
need this information to navigate and pedestrians are safer at marked
crossings, and (2) it was repeatedly stated that mapping these things isn't

They were asked as questions, and there was no response.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:18 AM Paul Allen <> wrote:

> On Fri, 24 May 2019 at 18:04, Nick Bolten <> wrote:
>> This is a pretty good example of some of that unhelpful behavior I
>> mentioned...
> Projection much?
> There is a toxic habit that's far too common on this mailing list to
>> speculate about bad intentions and then state them as if they are fact. It
>> serves no purpose other than to divide and denigrate and has no place in a
>> community-oriented project.
> YOU were the one who claimed, without evidence, that others had accused
> you of acting in bad faith.
> I wondered why you had done so because, in another sub-thread, you implied
> that I was disagreeing
> with you because I hated people with visual impairments.  Here's the quote
> from that thread:
> Anyways, that's a strange way to frame "mapping something I don't care
> about". How is it obsessive? I've already listed several important use
> cases, so I will be blunt: do you think people with low vision are
> irrelevant and don't matter? Is this an ableist community? Do pedestrians
> getting struck by cars not matter? Is it okay that they die?
> That looks very much to me like you were demonizing those who disagreed
> with you.  Poisoning the
> well.  It sure looks that way.  Whether you intended it to or not.  It
> came across as you accusing me
> of hating the visually impaired, or at least not caring if they live or
> die.  People should ignore
> anything I say, because I hate the blind.
> If people have been accusing you of acting in bad faith (I've yet to see
> evidence of that) then I
> can understand why if that is how you typically interact with them.  But
> everybody is marching out
> of step except you, so lets have a moderated forum where you are the
> moderator.
> --
> Paul
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