Am 02.06.2019 um 07:37 schrieb Joseph Eisenberg:
> Underground malls are often mapped with location=underground and
> layer=-1 and more negative values can be used for the underground
> levels of features within the mall.

layer is a rendering hint and only indicates the position relative to
over (or under) laying objects.

level is the tag used to indicate position within/relative to a
buildings floors. 

> But how should we specify the location of an entrance to the underground mall?
> There is an amenity=parking_entrance tag for the entrance of an
> underground (or aboveground) parking structure, which allows routing
> and rendering applications to show this location specifically.
> It could be useful to map the location of the mall entrances, both for
> underground malls and large above-ground malls, so that the main mall
> entrances can be located separately from all the individual shop
> entrances. T

If you want to go to this level of detail, you should be mappign the
structure that the door is in too.

> he tag indoor=yes can be used with entrance=yes to show that this door
> is within the mall, but there isn't a specific way to show the main
> entrance/exit from the whole shopping centre, when the outer way of
> the area doesn't intersect with the entrance=yes node.
> This would be common with underground malls, where the entrance may be
> inside of, or even outside of, the polygon that outlines the area of
> the mall, because the escalators or stairs are usually not right at
> the boundary.
> Would something like entrance=mall or mall=entrance work?
> Or do we need a subtag for entrance=yes?
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