in your email program of choice, sort anything with the tagging address in it 
into a separate folder. 

you can also thread your email and follow what you are interested in / have 
valid input in. 
> horse mounting blocks

I can safely ignore horse mounting blocks until voting because I have no 
constructive input. 

I merely follow the threads I am interested in - no one has to read everything. 

Reading a proposal page takes a negligible amount of time, as does voting. 

limiting talking because there is so many emails means you need to configure 
your email application better (PC, phone/broswer).

DO NOT LIMIT DISCUSSION. Don’t feel you need to be part of every discussion. 

The easy tags are done and gone. The rest is ever increasing levels of minutia 
let by people in ever-smaller niche interests and more technical input. 

this means many smaller discussions. 

The exception is repairing bad tagging decisions of the past (for me 
personally, removing highway=path). 

This means there will be big, wide ranging discussions mixed in with smaller 
niche discussions.

The only email based solution is to break tagging up into several mailing lists 
- roads / buildings / areas / amenities / etc - and I don't see that working. 

Thread it and give input where you like. 


Tagging mailing list

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