You can use your OSM account to access the osm-forum

Vr gr Peter Elderson

Op vr 21 jun. 2019 om 06:26 schreef Graeme Fitzpatrick <>:

> On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 at 20:01, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in parts of the world for which no particular national/regional
>> resources have been defined, the "id" editor will suggest to get in
>> touch with "us" and/or other mappers through:
>> * Reddit
>> * Facebook
>> * Telegram
>> * Discord
>> * Twitter
>> * OSM help
>> * OSM IRC channel
>> * OSMF website
> This is sort of a continuance of the conversations following Simon's post
> last week about too much traffic on the list!
> The problem I have with most of those options (Reddit, Facebook, Discord,
> Twitter, & also the mailing lists) is that you need to sign-up to them. I
> don't know IRC works & I don't even know what Telegram is!
> As someone said last week, it would be good if the simple act of creating
> an OSM account to edit the map, also gave you access to the "forum" or
> whatever, to ask for help, give advice to others, discuss new tags, have
> local conversations & so on.
> Personally, I think that we should be making much more use of the existing
> Help forum, with a complete redesign of the first page, to break things up
> into "lounges", as per other forums eg
> Thanks
> Graeme
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