On 14/07/2019 13:07, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
Hi all,

Occasionally I encounter tag combinations like this:


    (from https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/335831004)

where the "bikes can ride along here" of the first tag is contradicted by the "this hasn't even been built yet" of the second.

No. it doesn't. Highway is the primary tag. It usurps sub-tags which are merely adjectives of the primary.
When it has been completed it will be designated for use by bicycles.

Similarly, on occasion I've found ways which are tagged access=no ("nothing is allowed along here") but are part of a bike route relation ("bikes can ride along here").

Route relations should be aware of tags on ways. access=no can be used in part to indicate road works. Just because a way may be inaccessible to bikes doesn't mean it's not still officially regarded as a cycle route (the NCN ref won't be removed)


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