That should likely be FTEs (full time equivalents), not that I believe
this is something that should actually be in OSM (what about wikidata?).

Am 02.08.2019 um 08:08 schrieb Rory McCann:
> On 01/08/2019 22:17, Mhairi O'Hara wrote:
>> Voting is now open for the proposed feature staff_count:nurses
>> "Indicates the average daily number of nurses available at a health
>> facility"
> On 01/08/2019 22:17, Mhairi O'Hara wrote:
> > Voting is now open for the proposed feature staff_count:doctors
> >
> > "Indicates the average daily number of doctors available at a health
> > facility"
> Instead of “average daily” how about “whole-time equivalents”? Someone
> who works full time counts as 1. 50% time (“part time”) means 0.5. So
> 2 part time doctors, or 1 full-time doctor, is `staff_count:doctors=1`?
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