On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 02:09, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 15/08/19 09:37, Paul Allen wrote:
> Around the outskirts of my town there are also several footpaths which, at
> least in part, go
> across fields.  Again, not walking routes, just short cuts.  They could
> probably be incorporated
> into walking routes but, as far as I know, nobody has done so.
> Are these 'signed' routes? If not then they fail that test for a 'route'.

Depends what you mean by "signed route."  Public footpaths across fields
usually have
a fingerpost with an icon of a walking man, or the words "public footpath"
or both.
Bridleways usually have a fingerpost with an icon of somebody riding a
horse.  There
may be waymarkers where the route deviates and isn't obvious.  Actually,
signage at the start of a footpath is a waymark rather than a finger post.
It is rare
for a public footpath sign to state a destination.  Oh, and usage is not
between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Do hiking and walking routes have to have explicit signage?  I know of some
that do not.  The group "Cilgerran Walkers are Welcome" have documented
three of
their walks on the intertoobz and say they're going to document more.
There is a map
of all the walks on a notice board in the village.  Copyright reasons mean
I have mapped
only one of those walks, where one of the members and I sat down at a
public computer
and mapped it from her memory (she has a far better memory for details than
I do).
The group have been considering letting me map the rest of the routes for
over a year now,
and still can't decide.  The one route I mapped does not have any signage
it, other than public footpath signs in a few places.  See

> Yes.. 'something better' is always useful. I do like the footwear as a
> guide, but not as a rule.

This is OSM.  There are no rules.  Even so, I have no objection to
explicitly stating it's a
rule of thumb rather than a hard rule.

In any case, the footwear thing baffles me.  Several years ago I worked at
a place where,
after I got off the bus, I had a walk of about a mile to get there.  It was
an unclassified road,
but it had an asphalt surface and was free from potholes.  No
sidewalk.  One of my cow-orkers said I ought to get some walking shoes to
along it.  I looked down and concluded I must have bought "standing around"
by mistake and they were not intended for walking in.  My bad.

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