On 8/16/2019 4:59 PM, Kevin Kenny wrote:
a long route may go through several colour changes but will be signed
with its own marker at principal junctions. (Where I map, there are
only a handful of long-distance routes affected by this: the Long
Path, the Highlands Trail, the Finger Lakes Trail, and the North
Country Trail. Other long trails exist and are blazed consistently:
for example, the Northville-Placid Trail and Shawangunk Ridge Trail
are blue for their entire length, and the Appalachian Trail carries
its distinctive rectangular white blazes.)

For the Long Path, certainly I feel the master route and sub-routes
should be tagged aqua (or 80FECE) even though huge portions of the trail
are blazed differently, mainly through the Catskill Park. (The SRT, to
my memory, also has a bit of variation, especially in Minnewaska.)

The European long-distance trails (E1-E12) I've been on are even moreso:
Mainly composed of existing trails and using the existing local blazes,
only mentioned by name at principal junctions -- and even there may or
may not be indicated in their official colour. Though they did seem to
have an official colour sometimes, occasionally. I can't find any master
reference, but I think I remember E10 and E11 being blue, and E8 being
red. Checking out the route relations (wow these are some big
relations!) it looks like they eschew the colour tag and prefer "symbol"
and "osmc:symbol".

(Note that the map at
shows a distinct color for each trail but I don't think these colors
have any basis on the ground.)


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