Here in Spain chargers like this are used by motor_vehicles but forget
about it, because before they have to be clients. I think this would be
best definition for access. But also I will use other key to specify they
have to be charging. You can find other places where charging would be not
compulsory so it is better to prepare the map for this. My option would be
for the parking spot (charger would be mapped separately):

capacity=1 or 2 or 3

Assume there will not be any hgv trying to charge in a supermarket parking
as they don't park there with or without traffic sign which says that.

Salut i mapes

On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 3:53 PM Paul Allen <> wrote:

> My local supermarket recently added two car charging stations.  Each
> charging station took over three existing parking spaces.  This is
> apparently a nation-wide roll-out by the supermarket chain, so this
> is going to apply to many places in the UK.  It's also a likely
> arrangement of other charging stations.  See
> The charging station itself is at the end of a former parking space,
> and that space now has cross-hatch lines indicating there is no
> parking there.  Actually, you could fit a "half car" like a Smart in there,
> but people around here are stupid or selfish enough that without
> the restriction they'd park a full-size car there blocking half of the
> parking aisle (and some would manage to drive into the charging
> station and wreck it).
> The two parking spaces adjacent to the charging station are now
> signed as being for charging only and not for ordinary parking.
> The signage is in Welsh, not in English.  So I'll be charitable and
> assume that the non-electric vehicles parked in the spaces for
> electric vehicles were owned by people who don't speak Welsh
> (it's tourist season, so that is very possible).  More likely they're
> stupid and/or selfish local people of the kind who happily park
> in the spaces for disabled people despite not being disabled and
> were not transporting disabled passengers.
> Anyway, it would be nice to be able to mark these two types of spaces
> in some way: the "you can no longer park here because there's a
> charging station at the end of it" and the "park here to charge your
> car" spaces.  One way (perhaps the best, although it takes
> slightly more effort to map it) of dealing with the "you can no longer
> park here" would be with a multipolygon to cut a hole in the car park.
> Which just leaves the charging bays themselves.  The wiki page
> for amenity=parking_space doesn't actually document how to do
> this, even for disabled parking, but refers to the proposal
> So it looks like, for the charging spaces, amenity=parking_space +
> access:<invent-appropriate-role>=<access value> is the way
> to go.  So what is a suitable role?  In the particular case I'm
> mapping, they are parking spaces for cars; longer vehicles won't
> fit, but it's entirely possible charging facilities that accommodate
> longer vehicles will appear in the future.  So access:car_charging,
> with access:truck_charging, access:hgv_charging being added
> as possibilities later, if required?  Or access:vehicle_charging
> and let people eyeball the map to figure out if their vehicle will
> fit?  Or access:vehicle_charging with either of the inadequately-
> documented vehicle=* or service:vehicle=*?  Or something else?
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Paul
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