
* Robert Riemann <rob...@riemann.cc> [190907 17:19]:
> I crosspost this topic from [OSM-talk-be] for its relevance in other areas of 
> the card. I suggest in this mail to agree on a tag or create a new tag.

> I would like to generate a map of EU buildings in Brussels similar to this 
> one: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/29697/qc0214964enn.pdf

> However, I noticed that many buildings are not tagged accordingly, but 
> instead 
> have only a POI.

> For this reason, I want to ensure that the surface itself is tagged, so that 
> with a query such as http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/M6o a map can be generated.

> Can you please advise me which tags should be used on building shapes and POI 
> to map EU institutions perfectly?

the buildings should be tagged according to their function, regardless
of who works there. You might have to use the operator key or invent a
new one if you want to tag that the building is used for a specific
operator, in this case the EU.

> [..] However, European Union offices are 
> spread over the entire world (including their permanent representations).

The permanent representations of countries to the EU and vice versa
should according to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:office%3Ddiplomatic
be tagged as office=diplomatic, diplomatic=mission, country=<countrycode>,
target=EU for representation of a country to the EU; switch country and
target for a reprentation of the EU in a country.

( lyx @ osm )

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