> On Oct 14, 2019, at 4:31 PM, Peter Elderson <pelder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I imagine mtb maps showing all kinds of mtb-trails except The Big One that 
> everybody knows. If I were an MTB'ist, I would probably disxcard OSM as 
> unusable, because it doesn't even give the biggest MTB-route on the planet!

To be clear, this is a grey area that the original post was not discussing.  

If a route is "famous", even if it is unsigned, then I think it deserves being 
in OSM. That "famous" bit crosses into "local knowledge". The route has a name 
everyone knows and uses. It isn't a nameless trace someone mapped for their 
personal use. 

The routes I map are official routes made up mostly of cycleways, with various 
crossings and detours where the cycleways cannot be constructed. The official 
route switches from cycleways on one side of the river to the other to avoid 
upcoming obstacles - the rider is asked to detour onto roads, sidewalks, 
pedestrian crossings, and other ways that are not dedicated cycleways - 
"detours" that are mapped (and usually signed) as the official route.

This collection of ways - cycleways, sidewalks, marked ped crosswalks, unmarked 
cycleway crossings, and roads make up the larger route. 

I am more forgiving of the idea of marking MTB trails Because MTB routes are 
often the only trails through an area passable to bicycles. They probably 
include a lot of double-track "tracks" as well.

But Cycling routes through a city or region for commuting/transportation are 
often chosen because they are designated from the myriad of roads and ways that 
one *could* cycle on, but this route was selected just for them because of 
affordances (dedicated ways, cycle Lanes, curb cuts, etc). Mapping every loop 
route you enjoy cycling for excersize in the mountains is treated as one of 
these transportation routes - deceiving users into thinking there is a route 
that is good for cyclists trying to cross the mountains,  when it is actually a 
Narrow two lane trunk road with no shoulder and no sidewalk - and loops Back to 
where you started. They are not cyclways for transportation. 

I don't want regular cycle routes used for transportation confused with random 
routes made by hobbyists for their weekend training. The MTB route discussed 
sounds like it should at least be be considered in OSM as an MTB route - but 
that is for route=MTB people to discuss. 

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