Sorry, can't help with Pachinko, but just in regard to it all

On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 15:04, John Willis via Tagging <> wrote:

> Amenity=gambling wiki page says:
> > A place for gambling, not being a bookmaker, lottery shop, casino, or
> adult gaming centre.  Games that are covered by this definition include
> bingo and pachinko.

Personally, I wouldn't really have called bingo "gambling" as such? Yes,
you pay a fee & there is a chance of winning a prize, but gambling seems a
little strong?

Amenity=adult_gaming_centre says:
> > This tag is used for venues with gambling machines, such as slot
> machines.

Didn't realise till reading this now that adult_gaming = gambling!

I had previously used the tag for

What do you then call a place that adults (min age 15) play games, but no
gambling of any sort takes place?


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