Hi Richard,

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 04:41:57AM -0700, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > You would expect (as you see a roundabout sign) to get instructions to 
> > take the n.th exit. 
> What? No. No. You wouldn't.
> Mini-roundabouts are almost always at junctions with only three or four
> exits. The Government guidance explicitly states so
> (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/561491/mini-roundabouts-report.pdf,
> para 3.9).
> Any UK driver would expect their satnav to say "turn left" or "straight on"
> at a mini-roundabout, not "take the first exit".
> Could I suggest that you refrain from tag-fiddling on a subject where you
> clearly have no experience?

The point is that people (as i have sent in the example) currently see
the only difference to be that a mini_roundabout can be traversed in the
center. So - as in my example - somebody changed a clear roundabout to 
a mini_roundabout with 7 exits just because its flat in the middle.
And they expect to get the same navaids.

So either - their understanding is wrong, the documentation is unclear
or there is no differentiation which is proper.

I assumed (for 12+ years i am doing OSM) that a mini_roundabout is just
a small roundabout where trucks for example can traverse the center.

You corrected this assumption now. I have never personally used the

A question which arises for me now - Why is it called roundabout
when there is no roundabout - when its just a junction. Isnt that
a bit misleading? Probably this is just some english non native 
speaker problem.

I'd expect a roundabout (either mini or not) to produce nav aids 
in the format of "take the n.th exit" not something "left at the next

From the document you mention i have the feeling that that is a British
special. We dont have anything like that in the German StVO - Either
its a Roundabout sign (Zeichen 215) or not. No differentiation whether
the center may be traversed (Except that if you do unneeded you get a

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
        UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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