On 11/6/2019 3:08 AM, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

bicycle_pushed is more clear for someone encountering it
for the first time - bicycle=total_ban is a bit confusing

Especially as in some places access for bicycles
may be "never" (explicit "no bicycle" signs)
or "only during extreme weather" (one of cases
when it is legal to cycle on sidewalks in Poland).
First case should be tagged as bicycle=no, not bicycle=total_ban.

Also, it may be OK to carry bicycle in a box and not OK
to push (not road access, but in some train you are not allowed to
enter with bicycle,
bit once bicycle is in a box this is considered as entirely fine)

Maybe I'm missing something here but I don't see any reason why data
consumers, including the bicycle modes of routing engines, should ever
interpret bicycle=no in a way that permits walking bicycles. This is
exactly why we have a bicycle=dismount tag.

Carrying a bicycle is an edge case that might deserve its own value --
bicycle=carried works for me. And if we need further refined values to
explicitly permit a folding bike or bike-in-a-box, no problem:
bicycle=folded, bicycle=boxed.

(Special permission for extreme weather should be encoded with some
variation of the conditional access tag scheme.)


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