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May 8 15:45:29 UTC 2019, marc marc:

- I see no need to specify that a country's roads are in that country.
- I have always considered strange a vignette is considered as a toll. - the toll detail would better be added on the highest entity containing the type of toll concerned (e.g. on the Swiss relationship for the Swiss vignette or on a Brittany relationship to say that there is no payment in Brittany) rather than duplicate the same information many times. - if you want to add details of the fee, use the fee key - to inform if it is with a ticket or rfid, used a dedicated key, especially since in France, both are possible on the same routes. it also allow to use this key for other feature (like paking fee) - type in toll:type is a no meaning key. it's better to use a key with a "self-meaning" (like calculation_basis) but from your examples, it seems that all vignettes are based on a duration, so what's the added value to duplicate vignette with time ? and to say that the payment of a tunnel is based on distance seems wrong (it's a fixed price for the tunnel, you can't paid less or more than the fixed price for a kind of vehicule) - toll:type=time gives me the impression that the payment is made according to the time you use the road (if you drive fast, you pay less than the one who drives slowly). out of the description speaks of a subscription for a certain duration. it is not intuitive. again a lot of roads have one-shoot and subscription payement.

Country tags: There is no worldwide toll system. There is not even an EU-wide system. So if you want to use toll roads in Germany, but not in Poland you need a way to tag the roads or you can not select them with a routing tool.
If you have to pay to use a road it is a toll. That it's a different type of toll is collected in toll:measure where you can use time (pay once for set ammount of days/weeks/years) or distance (pay per use). The system used differs not only from country to country, but also for different for types of vehicles in the same country (eg. regular cars and hgv)
We can also use different keys with different tags for them. I want to avoid using 5 different keys for an information where two keys are enough. I was waiting for suggestions or discussion input, but I didn't really get any.
toll:type is already renamed to toll:measure
there are more options for time other than the vingnette so different combinations are possible. distance is just something that came up in previous discussions. if the majority wants something like per-use I would be fine with that. It's again that I'm missing constructive input. both are just to seperate roads that you pay once and can use as much as you like or you have to pay everytime you drive on them.
--TBKMrt (talk) 12:50, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
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so nice ! all not-processed comments may result in a vote=no or worse in difficulties of use in the future because a detected problem has not been solved

TThis is an open and unhidden discussion in a section of the wiki where discussion is meant to happen. Everybody is free to join and contribute to the discussion as much as they like. If a person who is going to vote (on a sidepage of the discussion page) does not want to be involved in the discussion there is nothing I can do about that. If a person wants to vote no (or yes) for whatever reason it is the person's decision alone. Everybody is free and welcome to join this discussion and raise their concerns and share ideas and thoughts. However, a serious discussion that is meant to have an effective output, needs a point where all comments are collected - and what would be a better place if not the talk page that is directly linked from the voting page?
--TBKMrt (talk) 12:50, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
If you want you can reply here or on the talk page directly. If you decide to reply here bare with me, I will move it as soon as possible.
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