Copied from
May 10 22:23:13 UTC 2019, Warin:

No need to separate countries.

toll:type... NO. the values of time and distance indicate the fee paid will be related to those quantities ... the time one? The slower you go do you pay more or less compared to the faster vehicle???

toll:assessment=time/distance .... but not toll:type!

And of course if these comment are ignore I will vote against... Bye.

Different countries have different toll systems. Right now you can only say if you do or do not want to use any toll raods at all. If you have paied the toll for all motorways for the whole year in your home country, you may want to use the motorway when you go on vaccation. And if you don't want pay the toll in the country you go on vacation you have to seperate them in a way that is reliable. So it would make sence even for the boolean we have right now.
time and distance are variable placeholders. I'm fine with them. If someone thinks that there is a better word for said toll systems they are welcome to share them. Unfortunately, noone did so far. toll:type was already renamed to toll:measure (other suggestions are also welcome)
Everybody is free to vote for whatever they feel is the best and for whatever reason they think is the most important. If people don't want to discuss a topic on a page that is meant to host discussions that is fine to me.
--TBKMrt (talk) 13:01, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
If you want you can reply here or on the talk page directly. If you decide to reply here bare with me, I will move it as soon as possible.
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