> On Nov 16, 2019, at 7:50 PM, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  A complicated scheme dreamt up here isn't going to get taken up by anyone.  

I took these 3 pictures yesterday while out cycling: 
https://imgur.com/gallery/Wqc5Ems <https://imgur.com/gallery/Wqc5Ems>

The largest of the 8 levees I rode on is 140m wide (edge to edge) where I took 
these pictures, according to an online imagery measuring tool. they are about 3 
stories tall. the north side levee is 100M wide. These are all built on flat 
open ground, the levees 100% man-made. the river is 600m wide here during a 

others were: 

148&60m (both levees total width, near a river junction)
54&30m (smaller river)
40&50m (smaller river)
65&42-70m (they are widening them, a demolished house foundation seen here in 
maxar imagery  https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/746507486 

much farther upriver near my town, where the levee on a tributary begins, they 
are a modest 40 & 30m wide where they sprout out of foothills the river has cut.


I agree that complicated schemes won’t get used, which is why I want the 
smallest usable method necessary **for people who want to add more detail in 
addition to existing schemes** ,  something that scales similar to how we map 
businesses (pin, building, landuse) depending on how much detail you wish to 

if you don’t feel the need to map an embankment in such detail, don’t. if it is 
too small, don’t.  I don’t want to create a scheme that replaces the current 
embankment/cutting/ levee, but is on top of current schemes, and allows you to 
map their extent **if you wish to**.

When things are huge, you *have to* have the ability to represent *anything* in 
OSM by border or area. If I was living back in San Diego, the cuttings for the 
freeway are the only cuttings I can think of worth mapping as an area. here in 
Japan, embankments / cuttings/ levees are everywhere. One levee bank is wider 
than most railway corridors - and we have an area for those, despite that the 
train tracks already being mapped. We understand that the area of the corridor 
is useful, to represent landuse and as a defacto barrier.

The same is true for large embankments/levees. 

For very large features *of any type* in OSM, they their area needs to be 
represented *somehow* in OSM. 

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