
Are you sure that the information that you want is not already
available from a Digital Elevation Model?

See for example how your area looks in Opentopomap.org, on
Opencyclemap, or on the Terrain layer of Google Maps, or a similar

Large embankments should be clearly visible in the topography, so we
do not need to reproduce them as 3D model in the database, any more
than we need to map the exact contours of a quarry or mountain.

Like Opentopomap or Opencyclemap, database users that want to show the
topography are expected to combine Openstreetmap data with one of the
many available digital elevation models (DEM) to produce contour
lines, shading and 3D terrain visualizations.

Is there something else that we are expecting could be done by mapping
this in great detail which cannot be done with a simpler
representation + a DEM?

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