On Sat, Dec 07, 2019 at 12:28:23PM -0500, Jmapb wrote:
> On 12/7/2019 11:52 AM, s8evq wrote:
> >On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 10:30:37 +1100, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>For nodes .. think the roles of ways should be done first, but some
> >>thoughts for later proposal/s.
> >>
> >>Are they necessary?
> >>
> >In my limited experience mapping hiking routes, I have not yet come across 
> >any real use for nodes in hiking relations, but I'm curious if other people 
> >have good uses.
> >As far as I know, there is also not much documented in the wiki on the topic 
> >of nodes in hiking/cycling relations.
> Possibly for checkpoints?
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:checkpoint

I would also use them for Tag:man_made=cairn if they are used to mark the 
hiking trail


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