Landuse=religious. We don’t have mosqueyard or shrineyard or templeyard. 

Wether or not there is a graveyard, a parking lot, a memorial, a statue, a bell 
tower or whatever inside the fence - doesn’t matter -  the land designated to 
the main POW is tagged as landuse=religious. Everything on the grounds, from 
the gift shop to the wayside shrines along walking paths are all on the 
“grounds” of this named location. This is especially useful where the Landuse 
(the complex overall) has a different name than the individual buildings /POWs 
/ other named objects that are on the grounds, which happens a lot in my area. 

This churchyard should be depreciated. 


> On Dec 23, 2019, at 2:29 PM, Joseph Eisenberg <> 
> wrote:
> Used to map the area
> surrounding a christian church or chapel

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