On 1/11/2020 11:16 AM, Jarek Piórkowski wrote:

I imagine that virtually all real-world pedestrian ways that are
one-way for pedestrians would be on dedicated pedestrian ways - that
is, highway=footway. If that's correct, oneway=yes can be interpreted
as referring to pedestrians on footways (it looks like osm-carto
already does this?). I struggle to imagine a one-way pedestrian way
that is also open to bicycle riders (dismount still works in this
scheme). Perhaps the only other thing could be highway=path, where
there could be some ambiguity with bicycles. But at least we can avoid
the "street with sidewalk" interpretation. Does anyone have

Not sure if it's a counterexample, but here's a hw=pedestrian in a park
in Brooklyn, New York:


- It was originally a vehicle route but was changed to pedestrian with
painted bike and foot lanes. For motor vehicles, only emergency and
specifically permitted delivery traffic is allowed.
- It was *always* one-way, and the one-way signs are still there.
Bicycles and permitted motor vehicles are required to follow the one-way
- Pedestrians can move in either direction, and this is explicitly
indicated by painted marks in the pedestrian lane. (Thus there's a
oneway:foot=no tag, and it's worth noting that OSRM respects oneway:foot
and routes pedestrians "backwards" but GraphHopper does not.)


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