15 Jan 2020, 12:57 by marc_marc_...@hotmail.com:

> Le 15.01.20 à 12:49, Mateusz Konieczny a écrit :
>> Anyone with opinion on that topic is welcomed to comment in this
>> discussion on the OSM Wiki.
> I'm very unhappy with that.
> some tools use wiki and not data items (for ex taginfo)
> doing that destroy usefull information.
> in fact I'm unhappy with the write acces to data items that has been
> done too early, all major tools must first be migrated to the dataitems.
Please, please comment on the OSM Wiki if you want to comment.

I posted about this discussion across several platforms (slack, mailing lists, 
but it was intended to direct to a single discussion rather than start several 
separate ones.

Comments made outside the talk page thread on the Wiki are likely to be just 

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