I understand your point and it sound logically to me. Your idea of also
specifying more general tags doesn't change that much in the tags, just
their meaning.

As this is the more OSM-like way (as you said), I'll edit the wiki page

Thanks for the hint :)

On 17.01.20 09:08, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:
> Looking at it again:
> "A shop in a city mall is a member of "Global Blue" as only option for
> refund assistance.
> This would be tagged with duty_free:refund:global_blue=yes.
> The more general duty_free:refund=yes (or even duty_free=yes) should not
> be used here
> as we have more detailed knowledge about this shop."
> I think that adding also duty_free=yes is 100% correct here.
> In OSM it is a normal situation to have some generai tag and more
> specific ones.
> Tagging only the most specific ones would force anyone interested in
> more general
> info to look for super detailed tags.
> For example: amenity=bicycle_parking
> Adding bicycle_parking=wall_loops (for a wheelbender)
> or bicycle_parking=stands (for a proper one) is not combined with
> deleting amenity=bicycle_parking tag.

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