17 Jan 2020, 13:19 by marc_marc_...@hotmail.com:

> Le 17.01.20 à 02:49, Joseph Eisenberg a écrit :
>>>> I'm unsure why Carto ignores such a popular tagging scheme.
>>> Is it actually popular?
>> The place to request changed to Openstreetmap-carto is
>> http://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues
>> According to taginfo, there are a total of 11,158 occurence of
>> disused:man_made and disused:building http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/POy
>> vs
>> 27,446 uses of man_made=* and building=* with disused=yes:
>> http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/POz
>> So the "disused=yes" form is 2.5 times more popular for these
>> features.
> the issue with disused=yes on building is http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/PPd
> 1166 building + amnenity + disused=yes (same issue with shop)
> what's the meaning ?
> the amenity is disused and it's better to fix amenity=* with
> disused:amnenity=* ?
> the building was disused and after a new amenity was added and the
> mapper forget (or don't known) to remove disused=yes ?
> Replacing disused=yes with building:use=no/vacant or disused:amnenity=*
> depending on the context would at least make it possible to know the tag
> concerned by the disused information
Or tag two separate objects as two separate objects.

The same problem is with other tags such as name.

See https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/3487
and https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/2999 
for example of problems caused by such tagging.

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