On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 18:47:39 +1100
Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 27/1/20 6:24 pm, John Willis via Tagging wrote:
> > I agree with you that this is the scale that volcanologists use,
> > but people want to draw a distinction between something that
> > erupted recently compared sometime in the last 200 years
> >
> > Perhaps it is easier to just apply the “active” and “Frequently 
> > active” tags via this third-party data source,  
> "frequently active " means what?
> If it erupted last year .. but not for 200 years before that I'd not 
> call it 'frequent'.
> > but it would completely remove mapper’s ability to add a mountain
> > to this list via tagging.  
> Possibly "last_eruption=" if that is what you want???

"last_eruption" isn't that useful for determining activity: the
majority of the world's volcanoes are cinder cones, which almost never
erupt twice or more.


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