The problem is that new users of iD do not know that they are adding
tags like healthcare=pharmacy and dispensing=yes.

I reviewed the pharmcies in the cities I have mapped, and found that I
had added healthcare=pharmacy to 8 features unintentionally, since I
used iD for my first year of mappping.

Also they all have dispensing=yes, which is mostly true I think, but I
do not recall checking any option to add this, which makes me question
whether the tag has any meaning when it is automatically added by iD.

On 1/30/20, Graeme Fitzpatrick <> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 at 07:08, Jmapb <> wrote:
>> Although I feel that iD's a bit forceful with this stuff and should give
>> users more information about what they're choosing to "upgrade,"
> They sort of do.
> If you look at the link I put up earlier
>, then click
> on the Pharmacy node, you get told that (in this case) "Discount Drug
> Stores has incomplete tags" & gives you the options to either Upgrade or
> Ignore it.
> If you then click on the "i - info" button, it tells you that it should
> have additional tags & the Suggested Updates are +healthcare=pharmacy
> Same applies to the medical centre with the option healthcare=clinic.
> All of which I've only found out about within this last week!, so I agree
> they could be a lot clearer in their explanations.
> All in all though, I'd agree with the earlier comments of moving stuff away
> from amenity into their own specialised fields eg healthcare, emergency &
> so on.
>   Thanks
> Graeme

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