This also is important. There are fountains (not many) which have an
official document in situ to inform that the water was tested, with the
analysis results and date.
This could go into another key, which would compose even better the
fountain tag. I had never noticed that legal=yes/legal=no keys but I
think it would be a good addition to the fountain wiki, at least on the
countries where they apply.

Às 16:02 de 06/02/2020, Paul Allen escreveu:
You may also need to make use of drinking_water:legal=no on some
fountains.  I wouldn't use it myself because it implies the water is
drinkable but not certified as drinkable and I'd be worried about the
legal consequences of making such a claim.

I think this is a good summary on the issue that could be applied to
other tags. I believe OSM would have much to gain if this was the case.

Às 17:03 de 06/02/2020, Diego Cruz escreveu:
I don't think it's that hard to concede that a fountain, ornamental in
nature, may be used for drinking too in other countries by adding a
simple subtag. We should be a little more respectful of cultural
differences here, since this project intends to map the whole world
and a single language is just but a poor tool to describe everything
we can find in it.

I'm not trying to target English for this inability to describe
things. All languages suffer from that, especially things that are
foreign to one's own culture. We are just using British English as a
convention, not because it is more adequate, so please let us at least
deviate a little to accommodate differences.

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