Frederik Ramm wrote:
> I'd remove things from OSM that have been clearly added as part of 
> an advertising campaign, because that means the information is not
> trustworthy. The purpose of an advertising campaign is not to 
> provide unbiased, factual information, hence OSM cannot be the 
> vehicle for an advertising campaign.

In the example cited, the "whole POI" wasn't added as part of an advertising
campaign, the property owner just added metadata: .

But more broadly, we value data for its correctness, not for its provenance
(assuming licence-compatible). You are inventing a suspected rationale ("an
advertising campaign") on the part of the contributor; judging them by your
own standards which aren't the agreed/stated values of OSM anywhere I can
see; and concluding that the data should be deleted. That's... a stretch?

I mean, isn't it also possible that, now we've all made such an outstanding
success of OSM and it's used in approximately eight gazillion mapping apps,
Hilton Hotels think it would be useful if their customers could use their
favourite mapping app to find a hotel they're staying in?

Anyway, brb, got to delete from
the map.


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