> Given that iD still seems to scramble sorted routes in some circumstances, 
> one should not assume that editors will correctly handle any changes we make. 
> I might be being unfair to iD here, I didn't check the route was still sorted 
> before I added a spur, so maybe somebody else doing something that didn't 
> directly affect the route using another editor scrambled it.

Could you please try to replicate that and report it to the iD developers? 
Sounds like a pretty serious bug, if it is that.

> Given recent comments on the proposal's talk page, I doubt it will better 
> represent reality because it's the router that determines the fine details.
> I want to see exact routes, not close approximations.

While many others have, in the process of this proposal, questioned the need to 
map exact routes at all (given the presence of platforms), I have always wanted 
to map canonical routes as closely as I can.

> A new housing estate with two connections to the existing road system could 
> cause the bus to be re-routed.

Sounds a little odd - would a router really route a bus on a 
highway=residential or highway=service?

But, be that as it may, your response helped me see two things -
1. It will be helpful to have a route visualizer in editors that can preempt 
2. Hail and ride routes longer than last-mile services really do suffer under 
this schema.

> Which is fine if they're alternative ways of mapping bus routes. But the 
> proposers seem to want to make this the one and only way of doing things.

I reiterate that I initially wanted it to be just that - an additional way to 
map. But I also don't want to see it go the way of PTv2, where some consumers 
still don't support the new schema even after 8 years of being asked to. And I 
definitely don't want ways in routes where there's no need for them, but 
someone decides to add them 'for completeness' (for instance, so many appear to 
have difficulty in comprehending that stop positions in PTv2 are optional 🤦♀️), 
oblivious to the maintenance issues.

Which gives me the following idea - would it help you if only routes with 
hail_and_ride=yes were permitted to have ways? For selective hail and ride, we 
can use the via roles as currently written in the proposal. That lets you use 
ways where they are most important (longer, completely hail and ride routes), 
and keeps them out of where they're a nuisance.

(Routes with hail_and_ride=yes could still opt to omit ways and use points, 
which would be better for shorter routes.)

Tangential comments -
1. "long-distance [interstate?], few official stops, only stops at official 
stops" - this proposal doesn't merely 'work' for them, it is absolutely 
essential for them - one only has to try creating a route relation for a 
national train to know why 😄 I agree with you that passengers in those 
situations don't care about the intricacies of the route as long as the stops 
are being served and the ETAs are more or less accurate.
2. This also works well for "intra-city, many official stops, only stop at 
official stops". The stops are so frequent that you probably won't need to add 
any via points in most cases.

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