Am Di., 31. März 2020 um 04:22 Uhr schrieb Gegorian Hauser <>:

> There are over 15000 aerialway stations in Europe and over 1000 are just
> tagged also with public_transport
> For me these combination is in the most situations wrong and for this iD
> should not have this "fixing" function.

I agree that in most occasions (of which I am aware), tagging of aerialway
stations with public transport seems strange (they are services related to
leisure and not to necessary transportation). The numbers you are citing do
not seem completely at odds with this (only 6,6% of aerialway stations
tagged as public transport). I would not generally exclude that some
aerialways are part of what is considered the public transport network, but
I would also expect some of these tagged as public transport which are
probably not by common understanding.

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