On 4/5/20 1:12 am, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:

So, this discussion gravitates towards using landuse=common for those African urban freely accessible multipurpose open spaces, which I fully support.

Implementing this change requires the following actions:

- Editing the leisure=common wiki page, in French and in English (I'll do that)

You will need to be very clear what a 'common' is and how it is different from other tags such as amenity=marketplace, leisure=park.

To me? Something like...

A 'common' is an area available for use by the local community. Examples include a weekly market (daily markets should be tag amenity=marketplace), community meetings/celebrations. A 'leisure=park' is more appropriate for areas set aside for individual or small group rest and recreation.

- Reinstating the rendering of leisure=common in downstream cartographic styles, would be even better if the color matched the surface=* so that sandy surfaces don't appear green.

- Reinstating the rendering of leisure=common in JOSM's default style (it recently changed to grey to mark deprecation). (I'll open a JOSM ticket

- Altering QA rules (JOSM Validator and Osmose) so that the leisure=common deprecation only applies to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, where commons have a legal definition and designation=common must be used for them. (I'll open a JOSM ticket but if someone has prior experience interacting with the Osmose people, that would be nice)

On 5/3/20 4:19 PM, severin.menard via Tagging wrote:
Je suis d'accord avec Pierre : le tag landuse=common convient bien à ces espaces ouverts dans les villages et villes africaines et un parc n'a pas grand-chose à voir avec.
I agree with Pierre: the tag landuse=common is well suited to these open spaces in African villages and towns and a park has little to do with it.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
Le mercredi 29 avril 2020 21:59, Pierre Béland via Talk-ml <talk...@openstreetmap.org> a écrit :

Like others, I did map many of these. I can tell you that we often see a common space in center of african villages, often near the school,  and  it is surely not green and have no facilities like in the Nordic countries parks.

People have to understand that there are often no infrastructures in African villages. But young people still gather and play.

I dont think that the OSM tagging schema should reflect the legal status in specific countries like UK. Various tags can reflect various realities.  And leisure=common seems to be quite well adapted to Africa and dont exist to stretch the legal defininition of UK.

When the tag is used in UK, I would understand that the UK contributors want to follow a certain rule particular to their country.

But I dont agree to deprecate the the leisure=common tag for Africa.

Le mercredi 29 avril 2020 15 h 34 min 57 s UTC−4, Jean-Marc Liotier <j...@liotier.org> a écrit :

Here is a 360° picture of a square in Dakar:
https://www.mapillary.com/map/im/jYNQFMwHiNEZRCnpi71heA - larger than a
street (it occupies a whole city block), used as a multipurpose common
area (pickup soccer games are a staple but parking or lounging around
also occur, and the occasional popular event) and usually surfaced with
sand or whatever the ground is.

We have long tagged it leisure=common (389 ways in Senegal and 486 in
Mali according to http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/TqN) - which is a bit of
stretch from the British legal definition, but worked well enough and
did not conflict with its British usage. But leisure=common is now

So, what should we use instead ?
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure%3Dcommon suggests using
leisure=park - which isn't too much of a stretch functionally but evokes
greenery that does not occur here (though British commons are just as
green and we were happy with leisure=common)... Any other ideas ? Or I'm
going to use leisure=park+surface=sand !

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