> 27 maj 2020 kl. 06:54 skrev Yves <yve...@mailbox.org>:
> […]
> I'm as fool as you, and always mapped the paved, urban-style as 
> highway=footway and the ones in the wilderness as highway =path. 

So have I, and so have, as far as I can tell from the areas I am familiar with, 
most mappers in Sweden.

Not all of them, however, and given the current state of the Wiki, I can’t 
really say that those others are *wrong*.

And if I draw a new way in JOSM, and then pick the preset which has the ”white 
walkers above white bicycle on a blue background” [1] icon, which is what I 
would do as a naïve mapper to map an urban cycleway (most of them are shared 
around here, to the annoyance of cyclists and pedestrians alike), I get 
highway=path, bicycle=designated, foot=designated.

So, as I have said before, when rendering a map and faced with a 
highway=footway or highway=path I can always make an initial guess about how to 
render it, but I have to be prepared to consider at least *=designated, surface 
and width as well.


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