Great idea. Not sure about using "3rd" and "4th" though - it's a bit
tightly coupled to the English language and possibly prone to error.
Wouldn't "3rail" and "4rail" fit the bill? 

Actually, as electrified=rail is so widely used at present, how about
making that explicitly "3rd rail" and introducing a new value for the
4-rail system?

How would we indicate the voltage/frequency of the two rails
independently? On the London Underground it's mostly +420/-210 (these
days +500/-250) but there are some areas where +750/0 is used
(Richmond-Gunnersbury for example). 

While we are at it, could we take the opportunity to find a way to
represent three-phase dual-overhead systems (Switzerland etc) as well? 


On 2020-06-09 10:13, Garry Keenor wrote:

> Definition: A track electrified with a 4th rail system, with two additional 
> rails on insulators and two shoe pickup by the train, and traction current 
> returning via one of the insulated rails  
> best regards, 
> Garry 
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